Table of Contents

How to integrate Bluetooth on Artix

Programms we need:


Fresh installed Artix Linux 'out of the box', comes with the Audio Server 'pipewire', which in itself doesnt support bluetooth-modules. Therefore you need to install 'pulseaudio' and 'pulseaudio-blueooth' and check if you have it installed correctly on your System afterwards:

pacman -Q pulseaudio pulseaudio-bluetooth

The most important module called 'module-bluetooth-discover' is not activated by default which is why you have to do it manually with:

pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover

Restart pulseaudio to ensure that all changes are applied:

pulseaudio -k
pulseaudio --start


Use bluetoothctl to ensure that your Bluetooth devices are connected:


Within the bluetoothctl menu type in:

power on            <- Turn bluetooth on 
agent on            <- Set agent to on to enable automatic connections:
default-agent       <- Set default-agent to ensure that the agent is used as the default
scan on             <- Scan for available devices

Search for the MAC address of your device in the scan list and copy it. It looks something like this:


Connect the device:

connect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Disconnect the device:

disconnect XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Add the device to the list of trusted devices to connect it automatically in the future.


Check if the device has succesfully connected:


Exit out of bluetoothctl:



You can use openrc in Artix Linux to ensure that Bluetooth is started automatically every time the system is started.

sudo rc-update add bluetoothd default