Table of Contents


Sharks is how i call my Dekstop Setup, it has various universal functions implemented that are fun to figure out. It's based on Open Source, self written and self hosted Software. Enjoy Setting it up your self or just install a auto bootstrap Version, which will autosetup everything automatically.


1. (On Phone and PC) On a compatible Phone, install Lineage OS (Custom ROM)

​ 1.0.1. Install adb on your Computer `yay -S adb` then restart `sudo reboot`

​ 1.0.2. Update oder Downgrade Phone to Android 13

​ 1.0.3. On your Phone go to /Settings/Über das Telefon/Build-Number and press it a couple of Times, till “Entwicklereinstellungen bereits aktiviert” appear

​ 1.0.4. Go to /Settings/System/Entwickleroptionen activate it and also activate USB-Debugging

​ 1.0.5. Now plug your Phone to Computer, then change the USB Options from `charging` to `File Transfer`

​ 1.0.6. Your Phone should appear in your File-Browser now, go to the phone's directory, open the Terminal within this directory and type `adb -d reboot bootloader`

​ 1.0.7. Your Phone shuts down, wait a bit and u should find your phone in “Fastboot Mode” , in the Terminal type `sudo fastboot devices` and it should give u the name of your Phone

​ 1.0.8. If there's one type `sudo fastboot flashin unlock`

​ 1.0.9. Now the Device is doing something, jus accept anything and wait till it starts up again

​ 1.1.0. Download the `vendor_boot.img` Version for your phone, from the Lineage Webpage onto your PC

​ 1.1.1 As you are connected and in with the Terminal in the right Directory again type `adb -d reboot`

​ 1.1.2 When in Fastboot Mode, type `sudo fastboot flash vendor_boot example/example/vendor_boot.img`. ​ 1.1.3. Done

2. (on PC) Block Ad's and Distractions

​ 3.0 Activate *USB-Debugging* and *Root-Debugging*

​ 3.1 Install adb `yay -S adb`

​ 3.2 Type `adb root`

​ 3.3 Then type `adb remount`

​ 3.4 Download this [File]( in a directory

​ 3.5 Type `adb push /example/example/hosts /system/etc/hosts`

3. (on Phone) Download the AIO Launcher (get the APK on the Website)

4. (on Phone) Download F-Droid and Apps

`Orgzly Revived Öffi Tiny-Tiny-Feed Nextcloud AnkiDroid DAVx³ Material-Files KOReader Syncthing-GTK K-9 Mail Mull Collabora-Office Notes Dokuwiki mAbook MuPDF-mini Orbot Seal DNS66 Organic Maps Terminightor`

5. (on Phone) Activate VPN torugh Orbot, activate Flight mode and all Apps possible trough Orbot

- Possible Apps are: Syncthing, DAVx, and F-Droid


1. Download [Artix ISO]( (Graphic Server is recommended)

   1.1 Flash the ISO on your USB Stick
   1.2 Plug the USB Stick into your Computer and follow trough the installation Process

2. Download Yay, the Version Control System helper (that thing keep's all of your Software up to date) `sudo pacman -Syyu` `sudo pacman -S git` `pacman -S –needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay && makepkg -si` Now reboot your system

3. Download Utilities from Binarys

General Look: `breeze` - Themes for Kde Software

Content Creation: `kdenlive` - Video Editing (opt. `python-vosk` - Sprachmodell) `gimp` - Photo Editing `audacity` - Audio Editing `obs-studio` - Audio + Video Aufnahme

File Browsing: `syncthing-gtk` - Local File Synchronisation `nextcloud-client` - Cloud File Syncrhonisation `lf` - File Browser `mpv` - Video Files `sxiv` - Photo Files `zathura-pdf-mupdf` - PDF Files `libreoffice-still` - All Files `typora` - Markdown Files `pandoc` - File Converter

OS Utitlities: `polybar` - Configurable Bar `virtualbox` - Virtual Machineware `zsh` - Terminal `timeshift` - Snapshot Tool `thunderbird` - Mail Client `flameshot` - Screenshot Tool `monero-gui` - Monero Wallet `dwm` - Window Tiling Manager `gpartes` - Change Partition Size `htop` - Processor Tool `librewolf-bin` - Modern and safe Webbrowser

Studying: `anki` - SRS Software `calibre` - Reading & Ebook Manipulator Software `fcitx` - Inputlayout for other lanugages

4. Sync & Configure Utilities

4.1 If you want to Configure them yourself feel free if not, you'll find all configs in a Folder called "Ricebowl" on this [page]()

5. Block Ad's and Distractions

 5.1 In terminal type: `sudo vim /etc/hosts` & [paste this]( in.