====== Autologin on Artix Linux Open RC ======
Here's a guide on setting up autologin on Artix Linux with initsystem openrc.
First you want to find out which init-system (service-manager) you use with the command:
rc-status -m
When its openrc go ahead. If not don't.
==== Configuration ====
Open the desired tty, e.g., tty1 runlevel file:
nano /etc/runlevels/default/agetty.tty1
In this File insert:
agetty_options="--autologin username -J"
Replace username with your actual username. After rebooting, your user should automatically log in.
===== Troubleshooting =====
If autologin doesn't work, check log files and permissions of configuration files.
sudo cat /var/log/messages.log
sudo cat /var/log/syslog.log
sudo cat /var/log/daemon.log