===== Setting up Fcitx ===== Fcitx [ˈfaɪtɪks] is an input method framework with extension support. Currently it supports Linux and Unix systems like freebsd. It has three built-in Input Method Engine, Pinyin, QuWei and Table-based input methods. Fcitx tries to provide a native feeling under all desktop as well as a light weight core. You can easily customize it to fit your requirements. To install it, pull up a terminal and install the japanese fcitx input module and a japanese font of your choice, i picked noto-font-cjk: yay -S noto-font-cjk fcitx5-mozc Configure fcitx-configtool so you can switch between your input languages (if you use dwm it will open up a text file): In case you have dwm, you need to uncommend a specific line, it should now look something like: [Hotkeys] TriggerKey=CTRL_SPACE ===== Input Method Framework (IMF) ===== After the installation you need to configure fcitx in your .xprofile, which means your system enviroment so that your system accepts fcitx as standard input: export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx Reboot your system so that it takes effect.