===== Audible OEM Crack ===== After you bought your ebook, you are able to download it. After that you can encrypt you .aax with .rtc files from [[https://www.kali.org/tools/rainbowcrack/|RainbowCrack]]. git clone https://github.com/inAudible-NG/tables.git ---- ==== Extract SHA1 checksum from the .aax file ==== You can use ffmpeg in order the extract the SHA1 checksum. $ ffprobe test.aax # extract SHA1 checksum ---- ==== Recover the "activation_bytes" ==== Use the scraped Checksum to extract the "activation_bytes": $ cd tables && ./rcrack . -h 999a6ab8... Use the activation_bytes and ffmpeg to convert your ebook: ffmpeg -activation_bytes 1CEB00DA -i input.aax output.mp3 **DONE!**